Monday, 10 September 2012 | 09:33 | 0 comments
It makes me wonder why there is onlly that one +1 from google circles sometimes when I make the post.Why is there one every time?
What is it even for? And omg whoooooo
To-do list Drama series to clear -Torchwood -Castle -Leverage -SAO -DW S2 -Sarah Jane adventures -Mad dog Places to visit Counter stuff...
Credit Template : Qistina Re others : una & Athirah Best view : Google Chrome The Author Big hello earthling! Make sure yourself a human. No actually aliens are welcomed too Supp Name: Charlotte/Eiko Age: 16B'day: 23/6Country: SingaporeFav. Colours:OH GOD WHATS YOUR FAVOURITE HYDROGEN ISOTOPEHow to win me over: Fish fingers and custard, bananas, Milk and jam, blue scarfs, trench coats. no you won't get it unless you are from fandom Tumblr goodluckLanguage: English and chinese, and a bit of gibberish like asdkfjlskfjFAQS: Are you unfriendly? No I'm not I'm just not your normal 16-year-old-coop-in-school-pining-after-bratty-boys-mugging-homework kind of girl. And I really don't eat bunnies. Masterlinks MASTERLIST OF AMAZING PPL AND RESOURCES Freebies: http://wreckthisgirlsblog.blogspot.it/ http://cp.c-ij.com/en/contents/2052/list_15_1.html http://www.minieco.co.uk/minieco-tutorials/ Inspirations: (ARTSY) http://natureofcraftythings.blogspot.sg/ http://stasiaburrington.com/ http://handmadepride.tumblr.com/ http://www.good.is/posts/makeshift-society-a-new-clubhouse-for-creatives http://imagesandletters.tumblr.com/ (PENPAL) http://penpalcrafts.tumblr.com/ http://naomemandeflores.com/en/ http://lettersandgifts.tumblr.com/stationary (XMFC blog) nieniekoto.tumblr.com Palalife.tumblr.com Lynneh.tumblr.com (ART blogs) Eatsleepdraw.tumblr.com Alicexz.tumblr.com (HER PAINTING IS GODLY) Claviee.tumblr.com (really moemoe, but I like her style of coloring) http://theinterwebsseries.tumblr.com/ (this is extremely interesting haha) Www.redricewater.tumblr.com (SHE CAN DRAW ANIMAL AND POKEMON AND HUMANS I AM CRY) http://addark.tumblr.com/post/11355154872/handy-art-link-megapost Jexiska.tumblr.com (ASDFGHJKSKF) Hamstr.tumblr.com (one of my initial artist crush, track back to her last year EOY art and you'll find a lot of Cherik) (ANIMAL ARTblogs) Buttbear.tumblr.com Jaywaltzings.tumblr.com Nightingales.tumblr.com (fandom blogs) Michellicopter.tumblr.com (multi,mainly AVG) Nowaitwhat.tumblr.com (multi, mainly DW) Gracejo413.tumblr.com (multi) Brakes.tumblr.com (multi, mainly SPN) Andlatitude.tumblr.com (asfhkasfhalhalsfj SPN augdskag) http://weaslee.tumblr.com/tagged/art (lots of OC but her style is lovely) Garama.tumblr.com (she is like the god of SPN art or something) Lanimalu.tumblr.com (multi) Dayuun.tumblr.com (multi) Areyoutryingtodeduceme.tumblr.com (mainly SH) Teaat2am.tumblr.com (multi) Sevnilock.tumblr.com (mainly SH) Hoursago.tumblr.com (multi, loads of AVG and DW) Shops: Sugarbunnyshop.com (IDK) Artfire.com Others: http://www.pangloss.com/seidel/shake_rule.html. (if you feel like responding to bitches well.) Bnkn62.tumblr.com (HER ART.) flora-san.tumblr.com (SHE HAS A FREAKING CLASSY TASTE AND ALSO BECUASE SHE IS MY PENPAL SHE HAVE TO BE ON THE LIST) |