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Timey wimey stuff

To-do list

Upcoming tasks and porject
Rebuild a Tardis
Make postcards
Eiko 2012 Xmas project plan!
-Hang Gliding

Drama series to clear
-Torchwood -Castle -Leverage -SAO -DW S2 -Sarah Jane adventures -Mad dog
Places to visit

Bucket lists to clear out:
-UK, London (SH museum) -UK, Cardiff (DW museum)
-UK, Scotland, Isle of Skye Fairy pools
-Mexico, Hidden Beach on Marieta Islands
-UK, Wiltshire, Stonehenge
-New Zealand, Hobbit/LOTR production site
Counter stuff...


Template :
Qistina Re
others : una & Athirah
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Monday 1 October 2012 | 06:15 | 0 comments
If any Nanyang girl is reading this (I will be fairly disturbed if the is any) try singing it to the tune of 毕业照 from our 95th anniversary. I composed this when I'm supposed to be studying for exams whelp.
Anyway sorry for the inactiveness I'm studying.
/hurls self out of window

"All those years, standing with you by my side,
All the memories the tears and laughter together we all shared
Close your eyes and remember those best times that we had
Now that we're parting may all goodwill be with you."

"Parting ways-- it was never so difficult like now.
As I tried to bade my goodbyes
Maybe one day we will meet again
But by then we've all matured."

Back in time, your first day in Nanyang
That excitement that you had felt do you still recall it now
In a blink of an eye four years had already gone by
Before you now lies your life that nanyang helped to shape

"Parting ways-- it was never so difficult like now.
As I tried to bade my goodbye.
Maybe one day we will meet again
But by then we've all matured."