Turning effect of forces. ugh
Saturday, 15 September 2012 | 06:27 | 0 comments
I haven't cried over not knowing how to do homework for a very very very very long time. And this is the first time in many years that I almost broke down doing Physics.I mean seriously, I spent the whole afternoon trying to tackle ONE FUCKING TURNING EFFECT chapter. I just couldn't get it straight. I don't hate physics, but when I spent an entire afternoon figuring out something it does mean I'm having a serious trouble here.
Moments moments moments what the hell is wrong with you. I never that I actually say swear words at a subject topic. But here you go. I seriously don't understand which pivoting point pivot at where. and distance!! Sometimes I feel so exasperate that I wish I could be the modeler of this universe and change every single stupid laws that disagree with me. So there D:<